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Welcome to Johannes blog, enjoy!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Spotify= Itunes 2.0?

We didn't really discuss the subject, because I already knew that if I introduced Spotify, my partner would probably like it. Everybody likes music, maybe not the same artist or band, but it doesn't matter because spotify pretty much has all music, for free! I guess the last sentence sums up why we choose Spotify.

As I already knew what Spotify is, we just downloaded it and installed it. Then I showed Gabe how the program works and how to use it.

Spotify is a unique music program, streaming music has been around for a couple of years, but this is the first time labels stand behind it. Untill now, the music business has shown no intrest in streaming music. But as they have problems with downloading (illegaly), streaming can be a way for them to make money out of their product, and here is were Spotify comes in.

Spotify is a shenomorph program, I would describe it as Itunes 2.0. It uses the same format, and allows the user to create playlists etc. With spotify you can share your playlists with your friends, so everybody can contribute to the playlist. And for a small amount, you can also use spotify in your Iphone/android cellphone. As all music is streamed, you no longer need a massive memory for your favourite music.


  1. Johannes,
    This is a good start but I'd like to see you further engage with the questions in the assignment. Do you think, for example, that Spotify changes the ways in which people interact with their music collections? What are some of the differences between a physical music collection and Spotify? These are some of the questions you might ask to flesh out your discussion of remediation.

  2. I think Spotify can change how people interact with their music collections. Maybe not for those who likes holding in physical objects like CD's or vinyl's. They have these objects for collection.

    But for the common people, who don't have this as a interest, this a easier way to listen to music.
