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Welcome to Johannes blog, enjoy!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blogg assignment #2

# Part 1: Stemwedel’s “What’s the Point of a College Education?”

* A point-form list of the annotations that you added to Stemwedel’s article
I agree that if you just get some skills for particular job, that’s a very narrow kind of education.

If you choose to get a BA. You probable will read some stuff thats not that interesting, but sometimes its not what you think about a specific thing, rather how you think, so I disagree that a bachelor would be unnecessary...
* A summary of the article.
The article is about collage education. Some goes to collage and some don’t. He asks the question if is it worth studying something that you might not be interested in or have any use for. He also brings up the vulnerability of only having a narrow education, say if you would read a technical eighteen month course. Then you would not get the creative thinking mind as you would get studying longer, say 3-5 years.
The economy changes, and if you only have a narrow education, perhaps in a specific program etc, all this can change and you will probably be out of a job.

* A list of terms, people, or places that require definitions. Define them, or provide information about each item. Cite your sources (i.e. where did you end up finding the information?)
I didn't know who Boethius was until i looked it up on google and got directed to Wikipedia.

About Bouthius:
Anicius Manlius Severinus Boëthius, commonly called Boethius (ca. 480–524 or 525) was a Christian philosopher of the early 6th century. He was born in Rome to an ancient and important family which included emperors Petronius Maxiumus and Olybrius and many consults. Boethius, of the noble Anicius lineage, entered public life at a young age and was already a senator by the age of 25. Boethius himself was consul in 510 in the kingdom of the Ostrogoths. In 522 he saw his two sons become consuls. Boethius was executed by King Theodoric the Great, who suspected him of conspiring with the Byzantine Empire. It may be possible to link his work to the game of Rithmomachia.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boethius

* A discussion of the types of metadata that I created for the paper copy and the digital copy of the article.
  • Descriptive Metadata: describes a resource for purposes such as discovery and identification. It can include elements such as title, abstract, author, and keywords.
  • Structural metadata: can be used to represent the physical or logical structure of a complex object (e.g., the organization of a book into chapters)
  • Administrative metadata: provides information to help manage a resource, such as when and how it was created, file type and other technical information, and who can access it. 

The structural metadata is different in the two medium being used. The printed versions topics are bold and it contains shorter sentences. The administrative metadata can be seen in both mediums, the printed version has the source printed at the bottom of the page, and from this information you can see the file name and obviously the address where to find it. But thats all the administrative metadat you get from the printed version, and from here the online-version takes over, where you can find all the other information such as when and how it was created, file type and other technical information, and who can access it. In both versions you get some descriptive metadata, you get information such as who the author is and the title of the article. It is easy in both cases to find more descriptive metadata, a simple google search gives you all the information that you need.
Part 2: Thinking about Metadata

Your reasons for choosing: the physical object, the digital text, the digital image, and the video.
I choose my Swedish snus because its always with me. The digital text is about another thing that I like, soccer as you would call it or football which is the European word for it. The video is a instructional video of how-to use snus, so the video and physical object connects with one another.    

My physical object.
  • The name of the object: Göteborgs rapé
  • The creator of the object: Swedish match
  • The materials used to construct the object: Plastic
  • The use of the object: It is Swedish tobacco which you put under your lip.
  • The color of the object: Blue
  • Other distinguishing features of the object: It has place on top, were you put your used ones. 
My Picture:
  • Title / Name: Boy with a toy hand grenade in Central Park,
  • Author / Creator: Diane Arbus
  • Publisher
  • Date of Creation: 1962.
  • Date viewed: 29-09-2010
  • Persistent identifier:  http://kingfishers.ednet.ns.ca/art/gallery/exhibit/photography/peoplepix/Arbus,Diane-Boy_with_a_toy_hand-grenade_in_Central_Park,_NYC-1962.jpg
  • Language: N/A
  • Format (.html, .pdf, .avi, etc.) JPEG
  • Media type: (if applicable) N/A
  • Rights (if available): N/A
  • Subject or Topic – Picture art
  • Category or Categories: art - photo
  • Tags (if none are available, write down the tags that you would add): Photo – boy – hand grenade – central park - NY
  • Description (2 to 3 sentences) A picture taken of a boy standing in central park holding a toy hand grenade. It is a famous picture taken by Diane Arbus.

My digital text: 

  • Title / Name  On the road to unformity
  • Rob Huges
  • Publisher NY times
  • Date of Creation  September 26, 2010
  • Date viewed september 28, 2010
  • Persistent pacifier: (if available) http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/27/sports/soccer/27iht-SOCCER.html?_r=1&ref=soccer
  • Language English
  • Format (.html, .pdf, .avi, etc.) html
  • Media type: (if applicable) All
  • Rights (if available): N/A
  • Subject or Topic Soccer
  • Category or Categories sports - soccer
  • Tags (if none are available, write down the tags that you would add) soccer –sports – football – champions league
  • Description (2 to 3 sentences) The article is about the major clubs and how they lost or won the games this weekend. It also involves a minro club from germany, who won against bayern munich.

My how-to snus video:

  • Title / Name: Snus Movie - The art of Snusing
  • Author / Creator: swedish-snus.com
  • Publisher youtube
  • Date of Creation 19-8-2007
  • Date viewed 29-9-2010
  • Persistent pacifier: (if available) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05q6Cr5LRig
  • Language: English
  • Format (.html, .pdf, .avi, etc.) .MP4
  • Media types: (if applicable) Handheld, screen and TV.
  • Rights: It is submitted on youtube, so it follows their rights.
  • Subject or Topic Snus – how to use it.
  • Category or Categories Snus – how to - style
  • Tags (if none are available, write down the tags that you would add): Snus – movie – the art od snusing – swedish – tobacco.
  • Description (2 to 3 sentences) A how-to video about snus. You learn how to use the product, and how it funtions.

Why is metadata important?
I have never created metadata, or meta-information before. This was my first time. And I can see the value of metadata, but I can't say that I was surprised of what I found about my different objects, besides the tags my video was under. It was a how-to video for snus, and the tags say snus, movie, the, art, of, snusing, swedish, tobacco. I'm not sure if the "the", "art" and "of" tags will give my the correct information as they are separated, I guess this symbolizes poor tagging from the publisher of the video. This makes the metadata creation very critical, you have to have some logical system of the data.

You can also say that the metadata created of the physical object is less information than what i found for the objects online. This is because it has already been metadata created for these items. The video was already categorized etc. 
If you have a lot of information, then it is good to create metadata about that information so you find the specific information you need. 
Two examples of when metadata is essential. 
This could be adopted to a library, which has allot books who contains information. If you use the metadata, then you can easily find what you are looking for, so you don't have to check every book for the piece of information you want, this is called cataloging archived information. If you save all your metadata electronicly and then create a search engine, this could be good for companies who can find relevant information and it it also makes it easier to make fallow-ups.
To be critical of sources 
Metadata created can be information about when a file was created, who created it, when it was last updated, file size and file extension. This is a good way to be critical of sources. Which can be important when it comes to information and how you can use it.

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