No changes made with the text.
Costumizations: None
Color: yarmirP
Layout: Straighter edges & Any Which Way
Text 2. Blog assignment #2
Font: Duality
Layout: Straighter edges & Mostly Horizontal
Removed words: 'Tags', 'Video' & 'Specific'
Clearly this text is about metadata and information, and those two words goes hand in hand. I had given the text title 'Blog assignment #2' which doesn't give much information of what the text is actually about. Here is a perfect example of what 'word cloud' or 'wordle' can help you with. If I would take away the word 'information' which is the most frequently used word the cloud would change, and it would even out the size difference between the words, and that means that the words are used as much.
Text 3. George Orwell’s 1984
Font: Duality
Color: WB & A Little Variation
Layout: Rounder Edges & Half and Half
Removed words: 'Winston' (The most frequently used) and 'One'
I haven't read this text at all and I have a hard time figuring out what it is about. The most frequently used words 'Party', 'Even', 'time' etc doesn't give me the context. But it is a positive text, based on the cloud. Or, I can't see any proof that this text would be a negative one.
I took out the most frequently used word: "Winston' which is a name, and I guess the text is about him. But the word cloud above is with out his name, and that makes the cloud harder to understand.
Text 4. Transcript of Commencement Speech at Stanford given by Steve Jobs
Font: Expressway Free
Color: Milk Paints
Layout: Straighter Edges
Removed words: 'mother', 'began', 'next', 'got' and stay.
Steve Jobs is famous person for what he has done with Apple, and my first thought was that the word cloud would be about Apple, technique, Macintosh etc. I deleted some smaller words in my wordle so the most frequent words still would be kept.
The text is a speech given at a University and it seems to be about collage and life, and maybe how Apple sees it or something. The word 'death', which is in the middle seems a bit negative compared to the other words around it. The words I took out didn't change the cloud in any specific meaning, which was my point for this cloud, I wanted to erase some smaller words to see if the changes, and I wouldn't say that there was any dramatic changes.
Text 5. A Poem from Representative Poem Online
Font: Scheherazade
Color: Costume Palette, A Little Variation
Layout: Straighter Edges, Any Which Way
Removed words: 'Well' (most frequently used, 'first' and 'thou'
I would say that these are words that you would find in a poem. Two words can be seen which symbolizes love; 'lovest' and 'lov'st'. These words are positive, so we could assume that this poem is about love. I took away the most frequent used word, 'well' because it can mean different things and really doesn't say much about what the text is about. The cloud changed and now the words about love is the first you see. I think it symbolizes the poem better with these words.
D. Now it’s time for some fun! Create 3 more wordles of texts of your choice:
6. Wordle of my facebook profile.
Most frequent used word: Johannes (39)
Content word: 'Remove'
Removed words: 'No' and 'View'
Layout: Rounder edges & Horizontal
Color: Moss
Font: Owned
I removed the words 'No' and 'View', these words doesn't mean anything in this context, the cloud changed and my name is now the largest word= most frequent used. I'm not surprised by the words thats in my cloud, this is actually the words that I would assume would turn up due to the fact that it is my profile.
7. A critique essay of a drawing.
Removed words: 'Windows', 'Just' and 'One'
Color: Organic carrot
Layout: Straighter edges & Any Which Way
Font: Sexsmith
Most freaquent word: 'The'
Content word: 'Drawing'
The essay is 5 pages and I used the word 'The' 216 times, I assume this is because you use it to conjugate words in English. The essay is a critique of a drawing, and thats my content word. I removed the word 'Windows' which was my largest word presented in the wordle. I think my word cloud gives a good picture of what my drawing presented; a building with different actions in all the windows of the house.
8. Owners of Red Sox to Buy Liverpool Soccer Club
Color: Custom palette
Removes words: 'Venture' and 'Times'
Layout: Rounder edges and horizontal
Font: Grilled Cheese BTN
Most frequently used word: 'The'
Content word: 'Owners'
Link to text:
The article is about changing owners in a famous European football club. The wordle symbolize the article good, it actually gives you a lot of the information provided in the article. I cant answer if the words are positive or not, you need the context to draw such a analyze. I removed words which are not needed to understand what the text is about, it makes more sense now.
Is this tag cloud different than the wordle you created?
It has not changed much, the message remains the same. You can understand that there is something about the owners of the football club.
What options does Tag Crowd offer that wordle does not?
TagCrowd is taking tag clouds far beyond their original function:
- as topic summaries for speeches and written works
- as blog tool or website analysis for search engine optimization (SEO)
- for visual analysis of survey data
- as brand clouds that let companies see how they are perceived by the world
- for data mining a text corpus
- for helping writers and students reflect on their work
- as name tags for conferences, cocktail parties or wherever new collaborations start
- as resumes in a single glance
- as visual poetry
What other features would you like to see available in Wordle or Tag Crowd, if any?
I would like to have these features in programs like word and excel, or in my phone. It would make analysis of texts easier.
What is a stoplist?
A stoplist is a list of stopwords that, when associated with a full-text index, is applied to full-text queries on that index.
Johannes, good start, but I'd like to see a bit more of your analysis of the wordles. I'd also like to see your own thoughts about Tag Cloud, not just a list that you've copied from the site itself. Your might get a better sense of 1984 (and the significance of the wordle) if you read through a plot summary of the novel before analysing the wordle. Just keep digging deeper.